Membership performance 2021-2025 – Denmark´s largest Retail chain.

The last years Butikskæden Nærkøb A/S has made constant growth, and the 24 years old chain has now more than 700 stores of independent shop owners.
NærKØB was the Danish retail chain with the greatest growth in 2021-2025 at 308 stores, which we are incredibly proud of, also considering that NærKØB is a voluntary chain and growth is organic only, in a market where we are up against large capital chains.
Among the new members are a number of newly opened stores, but the vast majority are shops from other chains or merchants who are not part of a chain.
The chain includes both kiosks, convenience stores, petrol stations, camping shops and port kiosks all over Denmark.
In @Butikskæden Nærkøb A/S, the vision is to be Denmark’s most attractive convenience chain for independent shop owners. The shops sell soft drinks, sweets, coffee, fast food, ice cream, games, morning bread, tobacco and dispenses packages.